Quantum coherence and correlations in condensed-matter
and cold-atom systems

Évora, Portugal, 11-15 October 2010

Registration Form

Please complete the registration form below.

Invited speakers are requested to provide an abstract for their invited talk, the arrival and departure dates and the estimated travel costs.

Upon reception of your arrival and departure dates, a hotel reservation will be made for you by the organization.

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First names:
Postcode/Zip code:
Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
Estimate travel costs:
Upload abstract:
Please use the abstract LaTEX template provided in this web page.

In acordance with European directives and Portuguese law, we inform you that your this data will be furnished to the European Science Foundation. You have a right to access and update the personal information about you, ask for it to be modified, deleted etc. This right may be exercised by sending a message to database@esf.org.